Thermwood will be exhibiting at the upcoming IMTS Additive Manufacturing Conference 2018 in Chicago, IL

Posted by Duane Marrett on Mon, Sep 10, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Trade Shows, 3Dprinting, IMTS, Additive, LSAM, Thermwood LSAM, Additive Manufacturing

Thermwood is a platinum sponsor of the 2018 IMTS Additive Conference in Chicago, IL

Thermwood LSAM 10'x20' Machine ShownThe Additive Conference 2018 (September 11th and 12th) in Chicago, IL starts this week, and Thermwood will be there to talk LSAM (Large Scale Additive Manufacturing). 

We will have 3D printed samples to see and  touch as well as videos and literature.  Our knowledgeable sales staff will also be on hand to help answer any questions you may have about the future of Large Scale Additive Manufacturing and how the Thermwood LSAM can help your company charge ahead in this new area. 

More Information on LSAM

LSAM is based on exciting new technology developed from an entirely new direction.

LSAM is intended for industrial production. It is not a lab, evaluation or demonstration machine, but is instead a full-fledged industrial additive manufacturing system intended for the production of large scale components.

Thermwood has already applied for 19 separate patents on various aspects of this new technology (several have already been granted and more will be coming as development continues). LSAM is truly “state of the art” in this exciting new world of Large Scale Additive Manufacturing. 

LSAM produces superior printed parts.

 Request More Information from Thermwood


Thermwood is putting the final touches on our 2018 IWF booth!

Posted by Duane Marrett on Tue, Aug 21, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Model 45, Cut Ready, Cut Center, cabinets, doors, moldings, Furniture, IWF, No Programming, Cut Ready 43, Artie

Make plans now to visit Thermwood booth #6735 during IWF 2018 in Atlanta, GA!

Thermwood Cut Center at IWF 2018IWF 2018 (August 22nd-25th) starts tomorrow, and we are putting the final touches on our booth (#6735).  What better reason to visit Atlanta, than to see the latest technology and products from Thermwood?  

This year, Thermwood is proud to demonstrate the all new CUT READY 43 and the award-winning CUT CENTER (both help you quickly and easily create most products a cabinet shop would want to make without a CNC programmer), and both with Artie Inside.


Thermwood Cut Ready 43 at IWF 2018

You'll have the opportunity to see just how easy it is to run these powerful CUT READY machines. We'll be demonstrating live during the show, and you can be part of it by helping to operate the CUT CENTER and the CUT READY 43!

We will also have two CUT READY kiosks available for attendees to try out the CUT READY software during the show.  Thermwood personnel will be standing by to answer any questions you may have.


CUT READY Series With Artie Inside

Artie is inside both the Cut Ready 43 and the Cut Center to help you easily make most products a cabinet shop would want to make with no programming!

Both of these machines in our new CUT READY Series are equipped with Artie Inside.  Despite the cute name, Artie is actually a cutting edge, artificial intelligence engine inside the CUT READY control.

You tell him what you want and he creates a program to make it. These are not pre-programmed libraries. No part programs exist in the control until Artie creates them. This is nothing less than a bold next step in the evolution of the CNC router.

Artie is already capable of programming tens of millions of unique products and is constantly learning how to make and do more and more new things. Artie is easy enough that virtually anyone can work with him with little or no training.

Solid Wood Machining on the Thermwood MODEL 45

Thermwood Model 45 at IWF 2018We will also be demonstrating solid wood, aluminum and plastic sheet parts on the Thermwood MODEL 45utilizing a pod system and aggregate tooling.

The heavy-duty MODEL 45 is designed for a variety of functions including the machining of rotary operations when equipped with our optional C-Axis. This expands the capability of this already useful machine to include volutes, carvings, chair parts, stair components and much more.  The MODEL 45 is also equipped with smart-router technology that helps save labor and material, are easy to use and will make you a lot more money than ordinary routers.

See in operation at  IWF 2018!

Cut Center Display created by Cut Center owner Timberwood Properties in Leesburg, FLThe CUT READY 43, the CUT CENTER and the MODEL 45 will all be on display and cutting live at IWF 2018 (Thermwood booth #6735).  We will also have several displays created on the CUT CENTER, as well as some created by our customers, like this outdoor kitchen, designed and machined by Timberwood Properties in Leesburg, FL .

Make plans to see this exciting new technology in person and attend IWF 2018 (August 22nd-25th) at the Georgia World Congress Center - Atlanta, GA., or contact us at 800-533-6901 for more information.

 Request More Information from Thermwood


The Secret to LSAM Print Quality… A Different Process

Posted by Duane Marrett on Fri, Aug 17, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, 3D printing, Additive, LSAM, 3D Print, Thermwood LSAM, Additive Manufacturing

The Secret to LSAM Print Quality… A Different Process

Prior to LSAM, 3D polymer printing was all done using essentially the same approach. Parts were printed with a small print bead onto a hot table, in a heated chamber, keeping the printed part hot until printing was complete.

While this worked reasonably well for smaller net shape parts, scaling the process up for large near-net-shape parts didn’t work quite as well.

A Different Approach

Thermwood took a fundamentally different approach with our LSAM large scale additive manufacturing system. Instead of printing with a small bead in a heated environment, Thermwood uses a large bead, printed at room temperature in an essentially “continuous cooling” process.

Thermwood LSAM compression wheel printing a large bead.

The beads are large enough, with enough heat energy, to completely fuse with the previous layer. Thermwood also employs a temperature controlled “compression wheel” to form the round melt coming from the print nozzle into a flattened bead and fuse it with the previous layer.

With this process, print speed is essentially controlled by the cooling rate of the polymer being printed, rather than by the output of the print head. The printed bead must cool enough to support the next layer, but must still be warm enough to fuse completely with it.

This means that there is a specific temperature range, which is different for each polymer, where this approach to printing works. Each polymer requires a certain amount of time to cool to within that temperature range. That amount of time is the fastest that a layer can be printed, regardless of its size.

Thermwood LSAM can easily print very large parts

The output capacity of the print head simply determines how large a layer you can print in the amount of time available for each layer. Thermwood’s standard 40mm melt core can print layer lap lengths of over 200 ft. with most polymers. For even larger parts, Thermwood is working on an even larger melt core which can be retrofitted into the same print head housing as the 40mm core.

This process yields almost perfectly fused structures. Molds printed using the LSAM process routinely hold vacuum at elevated temperature and pressure in an autoclave without the need for any type of external coating.

Examples of large parts easily printed on Thermwood's LSAM

Unique Part Hold Down Method

The only issue remaining was how to hold the parts during printing. In the previous process, polymer parts tend to stick to a heated table. Since Thermwood’s process doesn’t have a heated table, this wouldn't work. Also, since parts are both printed and trimmed on the same machine with LSAM, the part needed to be held for trimming after it was printed and cooled. Parts generally release from a heated table when they cool down.

LSAM's Patented "Bead Board"

Part printed on Thermwood LSAM"s patented "bead board"

Thermwood’s approach to this requirement turned out to be quite unique. We developed a “bead board” to hold the parts both during printing and trimming.

The beard board consists of a plywood panel to which ABS pellets or “beads” are glued.

When a part is printed with this method, it fuses with the ABS beads holding it to the board, but one additional thing happens. Heat from the printed bead not only heats the ABS beads but also heats the glue holding them.

The glue softens enough that the beads can move on the board as the part cools and shrinks, eliminating cooling stresses that might otherwise be generated by a more rigid system. Once cool, the glue re-hardens holding the part securely for trimming. A couple of large screwdrivers and a hammer will remove the part once it is complete. 

LSAM Printing - Final Thoughts

This print approach required an almost complete rethinking of the print head design, control system operation and software, and we will explore those issues later.

For now, know that LSAM printing, at its very core, is fundamentally different. 

Complex part printed on Thermwood's LSAM

More Information on LSAM

LSAM is based on exciting new technology developed from an entirely new direction.

LSAM is intended for industrial production. It is not a lab, evaluation or demonstration machine, but is instead a full-fledged industrial additive manufacturing system intended for the production of large scale components.

Thermwood has already applied for over 45 separate patents on various aspects of this new technology (more than half of which have already been granted) and more will be coming as development continues. LSAM is truly “state of the art” in this exciting new world of Large Scale Additive Manufacturing. 

LSAM produces superior printed parts.

Click for More Info on the Thermwood LSAM

Get Hands-On Experience with the All-New CUT READY 43 at IWF 2018!

Posted by Duane Marrett on Fri, Aug 10, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Model 45, Cut Ready, Cut Center, cabinets, doors, moldings, Furniture, IWF, No Programming, Cut Ready 43, Artie


The 2018 IWF Show (August 22nd-25th) promises to be an exciting opportunity to visit Atlanta and see the very latest technology from Thermwood (booth #6735)! 

Like the all new CUT READY 43 and the award-winning CUT CENTER (both help you quickly and easily create most products a cabinet shop would want to make without a CNC programmer) and the heavy-duty MODEL 45 machining solid wood, aluminum and plastic sheet parts.

New CUT READY 43 - With Artie Inside!

Thermwood Cut Ready 43 will be on display at IWF 2018

Thermwood is proud to introduce our all-new CUT READY 43 (shown above equipped with a 5 by 8 table, optional 21-position tool changer and lift vacuum cups and a standard high flow vacuum hold-down system - additional table sizes and options are available). This machine has many of the features of the CUT CENTER, but at a lower price.

Just like a CUT CENTER, it also can help you quickly and easily create most things a cabinet shop would want to make without a CNC programmer, but unlike the CUT CENTER, it does require a trained and somewhat skilled machine operator. 

The CUT READY 43 will be in action at IWF 2018 in booth #6735.  

Cut Ready Series With Artie Inside

Artie is inside both the Cut Ready 43 and the Cut Center to help you easily make most products a cabinet shop would want to make with no programming!

Both of these machines in our new Cut Ready Series are equipped with Artie Inside.  Despite the cute name, Artie is actually a cutting edge, artificial intelligence engine inside the Cut Ready control.

You tell him what you want and he creates a program to make it. These are not pre-programmed libraries. No part programs exist in the control until Artie creates them. This is nothing less than a bold next step in the evolution of the CNC router.

Artie is already capable of programming tens of millions of unique products and is constantly learning how to make and do more and more new things. Artie is easy enough that virtually anyone can work with him with little or no training.

Try out the award-winning CUT CENTER for yourself at IWF 2018!

The CUT CENTER is the ultimate in next generation CNC routers. It doesn't require programming and most people can operate it with little or no training or guidance. It is complete, fully contained with all the ancillary equipment, smoothly integrated into a package that almost runs itself.

Thermwood CUT CENTER at IWF 2016.

Artie guides you through each step of the production process. If there is anything you don’t understand, he will show you a video of what to do. He manages your tooling and keeps track of routine maintenance. He will show you a video of how to clean filters or top off lubrication. He will turn your vacuum pump on or off as needed and will make sure it is holding properly. Should you encounter a problem he will guide you, step by step, through a solution.

Just like the CUT READY 43, you can operate the CUT CENTER as a traditional CNC router.  However, running with Artie represents a whole new way of operating a machine which must be experienced to be completely understood.  It is just so easy!. The CUT CENTER is the ultimate in next generation CNC.

You'll have the opportunity to see just how easy it is to run this powerful machine.  Just tell it what you want, and it makes is that easy! 

We'll be demonstrating live during the show, and you can be part of it by helping to operate the CUT CENTER.  Please visit our booth (#6735) and speak to a Thermwood representative to get your hands on this exciting machine! 

Solid Wood Machining on the Thermwood MODEL 45

Thermwood Model 45 at IWF 2016

We will also be demonstrating solid wood, aluminum and plastic sheet parts on the Thermwood MODEL 45

The heavy-duty MODEL 45 is designed for a variety of functions including the machining of rotary operations when equipped with our optional C-Axis. This expands the capability of this already useful machine to include volutes, carvings, chair parts, stair components and much more.  



MODEL 45 with Pod System Machining Poplar Hardwood Door:

Thermwood Model 45 Machining a Poplar Hardwood Door 

See in operation at  IWF 2018!

The CUT READY 43, the CUT CENTER and the MODEL 45 (making solid wood, aluminum and plastic sheet parts) will all be on display and cutting live at IWF 2018 (August 22nd-25th) in Thermwood booth #6735 at the Georgia World Congress Center - Atlanta, GA. or contact us at 800-533-6901 for more information.

Make plans now to visit us and see this exciting new technology in person!

Request More Information from Thermwood 

New for IWF 2018...Thermwood Announces an Addition to the CUT READY Family - The CUT READY 43...with Artie Inside!

Posted by Duane Marrett on Tue, Aug 07, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Cut Ready, Cut Center, cabinets, doors, moldings, Furniture, IWF, No Programming, Cut Ready 43, Artie

New for IWF 2018...

Thermwood Announces an Addition to the CUT READY Family

The CUT READY 43...with Artie Inside!See the all new Cut Ready 43 at IWF 2018!

Thermwood is proud to introduce our all-new CUT READY 43.  This machine has many of the features of the Cut Center, but at a lower price.  Just like a Cut Center, it can help you quickly and easily create most products a cabinet shop would want to make without a CNC programmer (only operation training is required).

Cut Ready Series With Artie Inside

Artie is inside both the Cut Ready 43 and the Cut Center to help you easily make anything you want with no programming!

Artie has actually been hiding out behind the scenes in the Cut Ready control this whole time, but he has never made an appearance until now. He is the first A.I. dedicated to making your manufacturing life easier to handle, and today we flipped on his switch!  While he is a CNC programmer and designer at heart, he also watches over your shoulder to make sure everything goes smoothly and efficiently. 

You tell him what you want and he creates a program to make it. Be it cabinets, doors, moldings or furniture, Artie will program it for you! 

These are not pre-programmed libraries. No part programs exist in the control until Artie creates them.  He is already capable of programming tens of millions of unique products and is constantly learning how to make and do more and more new things. Artie is easy enough that virtually anyone can work with him with little or no training. 

More Details

The CUT READY 43 shown above is equipped with a 5 by 8 table, a 21-position tool changer and a high flow vacuum hold-down system (additional table sizes and options are available). 

See in operation at  IWF 2018!

Make plans now to visit us and see this exciting new technology in person at Thermwood's booth #6735 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA, or contact us at 800-533-6901 for more information.

This is nothing less than a bold next step in the evolution of the CNC router!  

Request More Information from Thermwood

Thermwood LSAM 10'x40' - The World's Largest Composite 3D Printer is Now Installed at Local Motors!

Posted by Duane Marrett on Wed, Jun 27, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, Local Motors, 3D printing, Additive, LSAM, 3D Print, Thermwood LSAM, Additive Manufacturing, World's Largest 3D Composite 3D Printer, Olli

Installation of the world's largest composite 3D Printer is now complete at Local Motors. This massive Thermwood LSAM 10'x40' is ready to get to work making the Olli! 

Installation of the world's largest composite 3D Printer is now complete at Local Motors. This massive Thermwood LSAM 10'x40' is ready to get to work making the Olli!
Thermwood LSAM 10'x40' - Ready to work! 

Looking down the working envelope from the print gantry side of the Thermwood 10'x40' LSAMLooking down the working envelope from the print gantry side of the Thermwood 10'x40' LSAM

A part in the process of being printed on the Thermwood 10'x40' LSAM at Local MotorsA part in the process of being printed on the Thermwood 10'x40' LSAM at Local Motors

Looking down the working envelope from the print gantry side of the 10'x40' Thermwood LSAM at Local Motors
Looking down the working envelope from the print gantry side

Another view of the 10'x40' LSAM at Local MotorsAnother view of the 10'x40' LSAM at Local Motors

A view from the trim gantry side of the Thermwood LSAM 10'x40' at Local MotorsA view from the trim gantry side of the Thermwood LSAM 10'x40' at Local Motors

About The Thermwood LSAM

Thermwood offers a line of dual gantry additive manufacturing machines which both print and trim parts on the same machine. These are large industrial additive manufacturing machines that can be up to 100 feet long.  Thermwood LSAM 10'x20'

LSAM (pronounced L-sam) represents an all new technology for large scale 3D printing of thermoplastic polymers. While other large scale additive efforts attempt to scale up small, filament-fed desktop printer techniques, LSAM is, at its core, designed for additive manufacturing of large structures using a fundamentally different approach

LSAM is different. The print process is different. The machine is different. The print head is different. The control is different. The software is different and the resulting parts are different.

LSAM is intended for industrial production. It is not a lab, evaluation or demonstration machine, but is instead a full-fledged industrial additive manufacturing system intended for the production of large scale components.

Although suitable for producing a wide variety of components, Thermwood is focusing on producing industrial tooling, masters, patterns, molds and production fixtures for a variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, foundry and boating.       

About Local Motors

Local MotorsLocal Motors is a ground mobility company focused on shaping the future for the better. Founded in 2007 with a belief in open collaboration and co-creation, Local Motors is a digital OEM, capable of micro-manufacturing, sales, service and operations all from a local footprint using a microfactory.

Meet Olli



Thermwood LSAM 10'x20' and 10'x40' in Production

Posted by Duane Marrett on Wed, May 16, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, 3D printing, Additive, LSAM, 3D Print, Thermwood LSAM, Additive Manufacturing

Birds-eye view of two Thermwood LSAM (Large Scale Additive Manufacturing) machines currently in production here at our factory. Get up close and personal with a 10'x20' as well as a massive 10'x40' LSAM Large Format 3D printer. 

About The Thermwood LSAM

Thermwood offers a line of dual gantry additive manufacturing machines which both print and trim parts on the same machine. These are large industrial additive manufacturing machines that can be up to 100 feet long.  

Thermwood LSAM 10'x20'

The Thermwood LSAM is used to produce large to very large sized components from reinforced thermoplastic composite materials. 

Although suitable for producing a wide variety of components, Thermwood is focusing on producing industrial tooling, masters, patterns, molds and production fixtures for a variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, foundry and boating.    

Thermwood 2018 Scholarship Recipients

Posted by Duane Marrett on Wed, May 16, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Scholarship, 2018

Thermwood is proud to announce Colton O'Brien and Carson Vaal as our scholarship recipients for the Class of 2018.  Each will receive a $2,000 renewable scholarship.  Since the introduction of these renewable scholarships, Thermwood has awarded over $200,000 to students wishing to further their education. 

Colton O'Brien

Colton O'Brien is the son of Chris and Jennifer O’Brien of Stendal, and is a graduate of Southridge High School.

While at Southridge, Colton was a member of the football and track and field teams. He also participated in the Bass fishing club, FCA, Spirit Club and Outdoors Club.

He was a part of the 2017 State Champion football team, as well as the 2015 State Bass Fishing team.

Colton will be attending Ivy Tech this fall for HVAC and Electrical.



Carson VaalCarson Vaal is the son of Courtney and Scott Vaal of Jasper, and is a graduate of Jasper High School.

He has been active with Robotics, Marching Band, Symphonic Band and Boy Scouts.

He is an Eagle Scout and a State Gold Ranking Saxophone Soloist.

This fall, Carson with be attending Ball State University to study Architecture



Thermwood would like to congratulate all seniors of the Class of 2018 and wish them the very best in their future studies and endeavors! 

Latest Cut Center Update Adds Frameless Bath Cabinets

Posted by Duane Marrett on Tue, May 15, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, CNC Router, Cut Center, Cut Center Updates, Bath Cabinets, Frameless

Latest Cut Ready Update Summary

Included in this update is the Contemporary Wave Bedroom Suite and more flexibility when searching for user-created jobs.We are constantly adding new features and abilities to the Award-Winning Cut Ready Cut Center

Included in this update are the addition of the Frameless version of Bath cabinets, complimenting the already existing Face Frame version. Included are cabinets designed for Counter Tops, some new versions of Tall cabinets, as well as cabinets designed for toilets and Sink Bridges.

Frameless Bath Cabinets Examples

Two drawers and three shelves

Two drawers and three shelves


Right hinge door - 1 drawer, 1 shelf


Right hinge door - 1 drawer, 1 shelf


Corner cabinet (open)


Corner cabinet (open)

Sink Bridge (3 drawer)

Sink Bridge (3 drawer) 

Tall cabinet with left hinge door and 2 equal drawers

Tall cabinet with left hinge door and 2 equal drawers

Tall cabinet with opening for toilet, double doors and 1 drawer

Tall cabinet with opening for toilet, double doors and 1 drawer

About the Cut Center

Thermwood Cut Center Nesting Drawer Boxes

The Thermwood Cut Center is an exciting alternative to traditional CNC routers for making a wide variety of products including cabinets, closets, furniture, doors, drawers and much more.  Just tell the machine what you what to make and it does is that simple!  NO programming is required. 

Click for More Info on the Thermwood Cut Center


Alpha Woodworks On Their Thermwood Cut Center

Posted by Duane Marrett on Mon, May 07, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, CNC, CNC Routers, Woodworking, 3 Axis, CNC Router, Cut Ready, Cut Center, cabinets, doors, moldings, closets, Furniture, No Programming, Testimonials, Cut Center Impressions, Easy CNC, drawer boxes, Alpha Woodworks

Thermwood's Award Winning Cut Center is an exciting alternative to traditional CNC routers - just tell the machine what you what to make and it does is that simple!  No programming is required!  Also, you can operate the system as a CNC router in the traditional manner, running programs generated with virtually any CNC software.

Here we present a short video featuring a Thermwood Cut Center owner and their impressions of the machine and its capabilities.

Take a listen to Larry Crutchfield of Alpha Woodworks in Dothan, AL as he discusses their Thermwood Cut Center and what the machine is doing for their business.

Larry Crutchfield and the guys of Alpha Woodworks with their Thermwood Cut Center

Take a listen to Larry Crutchfield of Alpha Woodworks in Dothan, AL as he discusses their Thermwood Cut Center and what the machine is doing for their business.


Click for More Info on the Thermwood Cut Center

Below are a few more Cut Center owner impressions as well - take a listen to Tim Richardson of Timberwood Properties in Leesburg, FL, Aaron Barlow of Original Woodworking in Bluffdale, UT, Michael Bednark of Bednark Inc. in Brooklyn, NY, John Allan of Arkansas Wood Doors in Pottsville, AR and Donovan Mumma of Byrne Custom Woodworking in Lenexa, KS as they discuss their new Cut Centers and what the machine is going to do for each business. 


About The Cut Ready Cut Center

Operate as a Cut Center with NO Programming or as a Traditional CNC Router, running programs generated with virtually any CNC software.