eCabinet Systems Technical Support Policy

Posted by Duane Marrett on Tue, Nov 08, 2011

Tags: eCabinet Systems, Cabinet, Training, online, Support

Where to go for help:

eCabinet Systems Forum

The best place for eCabinet Systems software users to turn for technical help is the Member Forum on the eCabinet Systems web site. Most common questions have been addressed and many users stand ready to offer help and suggestions. This is a huge resource full of tips, techniques and suggestions. If your question cannot be resolved by searching, then post the question on the forum. The forum is monitored by many eCabinet Systems users, as well as Thermwood staff and you can often be notified of a resolution within minutes, regardless of your geographical location and time zone. As an extra benefit, questions answered on the forum are available for others in the future, making it even more valuable.

Online Video Training:

eCabinet Systems Online TrainingAlthough the software includes a user’s manual, to really learn to use the software in a timely manner, Thermwood offers an online video training program for eCabinet Systems. This is a low-cost monthly subscription which can be started and stopped at any time. It offers extensive training in all aspects of eCabinet Systems software. It is available when you want and you learn at your own pace. Anyone that plans to operate a business using eCabinet Systems software should subscribe to this video training. It will save you huge amounts of time, will make you more efficient and help you to get full benefit from all aspects of the program.

Five-day On-site Class:

Thermwood also offers a formal eCabinet Systems training class for those who want to unleash the full potential of this powerful program as quickly as possible. This is a week-long class, conducted at Thermwood and includes a one year subscription to the video training program above.

Phone Support:

For questions that just can’t be answered any other way, Thermwood offers phone support to anyone currently subscribed to the video program or anyone that is operating a Thermwood CNC router using eCabinet Systems. It is not practical to extend phone support to anyone not a current subscriber to the video program because most answers to operating questions refer you to sections of the online video.

We can offer phone assistance if you are having problems with initial installation but before you call make sure your problem hasn’t been addressed on the forum and that you don’t have a firewall or other program blocking access to the registration code. These firewall programs are the most common problem encountered during installation.