Thermwood Appoints Samuel Collins as New Demonstration Technician

Posted by Duane Marrett on Tue, Jan 09, 2018

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Demonstrations, Employees

Thermwood Appoints Samuel Collins as New Demonstration TechnicianThermwood Corporation is pleased to announce that Sam Collins has been appointed as a Demonstration Technician. 

In his new role, Samuel will be overseeing CNC solutions for customers that range over a wide variety of applications that include programming and operating various CNC machining centers. 

Samuel was a Thermwood field service technician for over 2 years with CNC experience. 

Samuel is engaged to be married and resides in Southern Indiana.

Thermwood Corporation a leading manufacturer of CNC routers and Large Scale Additive Manufacturing systems with thousands of installations worldwide spanning 45+ years of business.

Thermwood Appoints Patrick Dauby as Manager of Demonstrations and Software Sales

Posted by Duane Marrett on Mon, Dec 18, 2017

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Demonstrations, Employees

Thermwood Appoints Patrick Dauby as Manager of Demonstrations and Software SalesThermwood Corporation announced today of the promotion of Patrick Dauby to Manager of Demonstrations and Software Sales. 

In his new role, Patrick will be responsible for managing and scheduling Thermwood’s Customer Demonstration facility and overseeing CNC solutions for customers that range over a wide variety of applications.  He will also be responsible for software sales. Patrick has held various positions within Thermwood and has accumulated over 6 years of CNC experience. 

Patrick is married with their first child due later this year and resides in Southern Indiana.

Thermwood Corporation a leading manufacturer of CNC routers and Large Scale Additive Manufacturing systems with thousands of installations worldwide spanning 45+ years of business.

Thermwood Announces Logan Heeke as New Demonstration Technician

Posted by Duane Marrett on Wed, Dec 13, 2017

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Demonstrations, Employees

Thermwood Announces Logan Heeke as New Demonstration TechnicianThermwood Corporation is pleased to announce that Logan Heeke has joined Thermwood as a Demonstration Technician. 

Logan will be overseeing CNC solutions for customers that range over a wide variety of applications that include programming and operating various CNC machining centers. 

Logan is married with three children and resides in Southern Indiana.

Thermwood Corporation a leading manufacturer of CNC routers and Large Scale Additive Manufacturing systems with thousands of installations worldwide spanning 45+ years of business.

Thermwood LSAM Concrete Mold Print and Trim Video

Posted by Duane Marrett on Fri, Dec 01, 2017

Tags: Thermwood, Video, LSAM, 3D Print, Timelapse, Concrete, Mold

Thermwood LSAM 10'x20' recently 3D printed and trimmed a concrete mold out of carbon fiber-filled ABS.  

This part was designed by Gate Precast, for a project to be completed by Additive Engineering Solutions (AES).




Finished Concrete Mold produced on Thermwood LSAM 10'x20'

The finished part

Concrete Mold shown in Thermwood LSAM Print 3D Software

Concrete Mold shown in Thermwood LSAM Print 3D Software

The part as shown in LSAM Print3D software.

Click for More Info on the Thermwood LSAM

About The Thermwood LSAM

Thermwood offers a line of dual gantry additive manufacturing machines which both print and trim parts on the same machine. These are large industrial additive manufacturing machines that can be up to 100 feet long.  

Thermwood LSAM 10'x20'

The Thermwood LSAM is used to produce large to very large sized components from reinforced thermoplastic composite materials. 

Although suitable for producing a wide variety of components, Thermwood is focusing on producing industrial tooling, masters, patterns, molds and production fixtures for a variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, foundry and boating.   

Latest Cut Center Update Adds Edge Banding Thickness Adjusting and More

Posted by Duane Marrett on Wed, Nov 01, 2017

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, CNC Router, Cut Center, Cut Center Updates, Edge Banding Adjustment

Latest Cut Ready Update Summary

Thermwood Cut Center Latest Update Adds Puzzle Joint Picture Frames and MoreWe are constantly adding new features and abilities to the Award-Winning Cut Ready Cut Center.  

Included in this update is the ability to adjust edge banding thickness as well as a variety of new shapes and frames, moldings and the addition of a cut line editor to help you quickly create jigs, modified parts and more. 

Edge Banding Adjustments

Edge Banding Adjustments Now Possible on the Thermwood Cut Center  

Adjusting edge banding thickness on your projects is finally here!  Simply tell the Cut Center the thickness(es) you want, and the affected parts will automatically adjust. 

New Shapes and Frames

New Shapes and Frames have been added to the Thermwood Cut Center

We’ve added even more shapes and frames to the Cut Center, including a few requested by our customers.

Moldings Updates

Some moldings have been reworked for better results, while others are brand new.  The Cut Center can not only makes straight moldings, but arched as well.  if you have a molding you would like us to add, please contact us and we can add it to the next update.

The Thermwood Cut Center has added a new selection of moldings.

A Curved Molding - Available on the Thermwood Cut Center

Cut/Line Editor

Need to modify a part slightly…or just move the machine around?  How about make a quick jig?  Now you can.  Instead of using a hand router, you can use the Cut Center.   

Simply use the onscreen controls and draw where you want the machine to move.  The Cut Center will guide you through the steps. 

The Thermwood Cut Center's Cut/Line Editor gives you the ability to create a wide variety of cuts and shapes.

About the Cut Center

Thermwood Cut Center Nesting Drawer Boxes

The Thermwood Cut Center is an exciting alternative to traditional CNC routers for making a wide variety of products including cabinets, closets, furniture, doors, drawers and much more.  Just tell the machine what you what to make and it does is that simple!  NO programming is required. 

Click for More Info on the Thermwood Cut Center


LSAM 3D Printed Boat Hull Pattern Video

Posted by Duane Marrett on Fri, Oct 27, 2017

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Video, 3D printing, Additive, LSAM, 3D Print, Additive Manufacturing, Marine Tooling, Boat Hull

The video below shows the process of creating a 3D printed boat hull pattern (from which fiberglass boat hull molds are made), on a Thermwood LSAM. 

Click for More Information on the process

This achievement was the result of a collaborative effort between Thermwood Corporation,Techmer PM and Marine Concepts.

The tool was printed slightly oversized and then trimmed to final net size and shape using a Thermwood’s large scale additive manufacturing (LSAM®) system.

It was made from Techmer’s Electrafil© ABS LT1 3DP, which has proven ideal for marine tooling applications when processed using LSAM print technology. The entire print, assembly and trim process required less than ten working days to complete. After the printed and trimmed tool was coated and finished, a fiberglass mold was produced using the printed pattern. This effort clearly demonstrates the feasibility, practicality, economics and advantages of using additive manufacturing in the production of boat tooling. 

The final tool was printed in six sections, four major center sections with walls approximately an inch and a half thick and a solid printed transom and bow, which were pinned and bonded together using Lord plural component urethane adhesive before being machined as a single piece on the Thermwood system.

Click for More Info on the Thermwood LSAM

Polysulfone Offers Promise for 3D Printed Composite Tooling

Posted by Duane Marrett on Thu, Oct 19, 2017

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, 3D printing, Additive, LSAM, 3D Print, Additive Manufacturing, PSU, Polysulfone, Composite Tooling

A cooperative effort between Thermwood Corporation, Applied Composite Engineering (ACE), Techmer PM and Purdue University’s Composites Manufacturing and Simulation Center has produced a composite helicopter part using a 3D Printed Polysulfone (PSU) mold.

PSU mold printed and machined on a Thermwood 10'x20' LSAM®

PSU mold printed and machined on a Thermwood 10'x20' LSAM®

Final Part from mold (oil drip pan for a Chinook Helicopter)

Final Part from mold (oil drip pan for a Chinook Helicopter)

The Details

The mold was printed from Techmer supplied carbon fiber reinforced material and trimmed on Thermwood’s Large Scale Additive Manufacturing (LSAM®) machine. ACE produced a production part from the tool in an autoclave using normal production processes.

Despite the fact that Polysulfone appears to be an ideal material for this application, the participants believe this is the first time PSU has been 3D printed, since it processes at temperatures and requires torque levels above those needed for normal polymer extrusion.  The extruder and print head on Thermwood's LSAM machine has been specially designed for ultra-high temperature, high-torque operation.

3D Printing Mold on Thermwood 10'x20' LSAM®

3D Printing Mold on Thermwood 10'x20' LSAM®

The part, an oil drip pan for a Chinook Helicopter, was molded in an autoclave at 275oF and 90 PSI. The printed mold held vacuum without the need for special coatings other than normal mold prep and release. With a Tg (glass transition temperature) of 372oF the participants believe that this particular PSU formulation may be able to process parts at up to 350oF which is adequate for about 95% of composite parts processed today. Additional tests will be performed to determine the suitability and durability of this material at this temperature. They also plan to evaluate Polyethersulfone (PES) which processes and operates at even higher temperatures.

The PSU mold and resulting part were displayed at the recent AM2017 Additive Manufacturing Conference in Knoxville.

Comparison vs Traditional Methods

Another interesting aspect of this collaborative effort is that a mold for the same part was built by ACE using traditional methods and the cost and build time was compared to making the same tool using additive manufacturing. The results were stunning.

The Results

Additive manufacturing material cost was 34% less and it required 69% fewer labor hours. Build time for the additive tool was 3 days versus 8 days for the conventional tool. If the part was larger, a support structure would be needed for the conventional tool which would add two days and more labor hours to the conventional process. A larger additive tool would not require a support structure.

The goal of this collaborative effort is to develop materials and processes to efficiently and reliably 3D print production composite tooling, capable of operating at elevated temperatures in an autoclave. These first successful results may indicate that they are very near reaching that goal.

Collaborative partners on this project

Applied Composites Engineering – Composites is their business focusing on aerospace. With nearly thirty years in the industry they have shown core competency rarely found in a company their size. This combination of capability and experience provides their customers with the benefits of a larger company supporting more sophisticated projects and larger production along with the speed and flexibility of a smaller enterprise.  

Purdue’s Composites Manufacturing and Simulation Center – Their primary focus among others is to develop a comprehensive set of simulation tools that connect composites from their birth in manufacturing to predicting their useful life. They predict and measure the anisotropic deformation that occurs in printed elements, including a description of anisotropic element shape change during deposition in order to anticipate performance of the printed element.

Thermwood Corporation – Pioneer in CNC development, first company to build and sell a CNC router has moved aggressively into developing and building large scale additive manufacturing systems and industry leading software. Its LSAM (L-Sam) system prints and trims large to very large molds and tools that are solid, virtually void free and able to sustain vacuum without secondary coatings.

Techmer PM - A leading manufacturer of high-performance custom compounds used in the plastics industry, they seek to deliver value-added, breakthrough solutions to the OEM and processing communities worldwide. Working extensively with the additive manufacturing community they have developed materials ideally suited to the additive manufacturing process and have wide-ranging experience with additive manufacturing technology.

Click for More Info on the Thermwood LSAM

Additive Manufacturing Becoming a Disruptive Force in Marine Tooling

Posted by Duane Marrett on Tue, Oct 17, 2017

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, Additive, LSAM, Additive Manufacturing, Marine Tooling, Boat Hull, Pattern

A 3D printed boat hull pattern, from which fiberglass boat hull molds are made, has been completed using a near net shape additive manufacturing process and then successfully used to produce a production capable fiberglass mold in a proof of concept joint evaluation program. The completed pattern was recently displayed at the AM2017 Additive Manufacturing Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee. 




Finished boat hull pattern - shown with Thermwood LSAM® 10'x20' machine

Finished boat hull pattern - shown with Thermwood LSAM® 10'x20' machine

A Collaborative Effort

This achievement was the result of a collaborative effort between Thermwood Corporation,Techmer PM and Marine Concepts. The tool was printed slightly oversized and then trimmed to final net size and shape using a Thermwood’s large scale additive manufacturing (LSAM®) system.

It was made from Techmer’s Electrafil© ABS LT1 3DP, which has proven ideal for marine tooling applications when processed using LSAM print technology. The entire print, assembly and trim process required less than ten working days to complete. After the printed and trimmed tool was coated and finished, a fiberglass mold was produced using the printed pattern. This effort clearly demonstrates the feasibility, practicality, economics and advantages of using additive manufacturing in the production of boat tooling. 

The Details

Thermwood LSAM® 10'x20' machine printing two of the six sections
Thermwood LSAM® 10'x20' machine printing two of the six sections

The final tool was printed in six sections, four major center sections with walls approximately an inch and a half thick and a solid printed transom and bow, which were pinned and bonded together using Lord plural component urethane adhesive before being machined as a single piece on the Thermwood system.

Bonding the boat hull pattern pieces together
Bonding the boat hull pattern pieces together

Bringing the two sections together
Bringing the two sections together

Boat hull pattern after bonding together and before machining
Boat hull pattern after bonding together and before machining

Thermwood LSAM® 10'x20' machining boat hull pattern
Thermwood LSAM® 10'x20' machining boat hull pattern

The final trimmed pattern weighs approximately three thousand pounds. It required approximately thirty hours to print and fifty hours to machine.

Final trimmed pattern before coating
Final trimmed pattern before coating

Thermwood’s demonstration machine, used for this program, has a 10 foot by 20 foot worktable and features both print and trim capability on the same machine. The print head used for this project can print at rates approaching 200 pounds an hour when running this particular Techmer material. Thermwood also offers larger machines and higher throughput print heads as part of its LSAM product line. LSAM 10'x20' Machine Shown

Pulling the Mold


Building frame on boat hull pattern to pull mold

Building frame on boat hull pattern to pull mold

Finished frame on boat hull pattern after casting the fiberglass mold
Finished frame on boat hull pattern after casting the fiberglass mold

Removing fiberglass mold from boat hull pattern
Removing fiberglass mold from boat hull pattern

Finished boat hull mold in red
Finished boat hull mold in red

Additive Manufacturing Could Change Marine Tooling Process

Additive manufacturing offers the promise of even more advances in marine tooling such as printing the hull and deck pattern as a single piece, allowing a production mold to be taken from the hull and then flipping the pattern over and taking a deck mold from the other side of the same pattern. All of these possibilities result in dramatically lower tooling cost and substantially faster build time. 

For large boats and yachts, Thermwood is evaluating the feasibility of printing molds directly, rather than printing a pattern from which the mold is taken. Because of their large size, these tools will need to be printed and machined in sections, even with very large LSAM® printers. It may also be possible to print integrated cooling channels for air or liquid into these large tools as part of the print process. 

With this initial success and some radical new ideas that appear to be possible with current materials and technology, it is becoming apparent that additive manufacturing may very well represent a disruptive force for the marine tooling industry.

Click for More Info on the Thermwood LSAM

Save Big Money on your CNC router purchase in 2017!

Posted by Duane Marrett on Wed, Oct 04, 2017

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, CNC Router, 2017, Save Money, Schedule 179

Save Big Money on your CNC router purchase in 2017! 

Save Big Money in 2017 with a Thermwood CNC Router Purchase!
Thinking of purchasing a new Thermwood CNC router in 2017, and still on the fence? 

Some great news is the current dual benefit of the Section 179 deduction/100% bonus depreciation which allows you to write off 100% of the equipment you purchase in 2017 (up to $500,000) makes this an ideal time to purchase, but you need to act now!

Want a Thermwood CNC before the end of the year?  Act now!

Thermwood Cut Ready Cut Center

Fall is here, and the time to lock in a production slot for end of the 2017 year shipment is now

To take advantage of the Schedule 179 deduction benefit for 2017, contact us today! 





How Does Schedule 179 Work?

Thermwood CabinetShop 45


Schedule 179 allows businesses to deduct a large part or all of the cost of a machine purchased in 2017 up to a limit of $500,000:

You can basically write-off 100% of all the equipment your business needs to buy or finance this year (up to $500,000)!



From Section 179 of the IRS tax code:  This allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and/or software purchased or financed during the tax year. That means that if you buy (or lease) a piece of qualifying equipment, you can deduct the FULL PURCHASE PRICE from your gross income.

Important:  Section 179 can provide you with significant tax relief for this 2017 tax year, but equipment and software must be financed and in place by midnight December 31, 2017.

An example of Section 179 at work:

Schedule 179 Example

For More Detailed Information  please click here

Calculate Your Potential Savings with Schedule 179  please click here

Please use the following links to view our line of 3 axis and 5 axis Thermwood CNC routers.  

Why Purchase a Thermwood CNC Router?

Visit Why Purchase a Thermwood? to see why our machines are the most reliable, technically advanced and safest choice for almost 50 years.

Request More Information from Thermwood


Latest Cut Center Update Adds an Additional Mattress Size to the Vertical Wall Bed (Murphy Bed) Library

Posted by Duane Marrett on Mon, Sep 25, 2017

Tags: Thermwood, Announcements, CNC Router, Cut Center, Cut Center Updates, Vertical Wall Beds, Double Mattress

Latest Cut Ready Update Summary

Thermwood Cut Center Latest Update Adds Vertical Wall BedsWe are constantly adding new features and abilities to the Award-Winning Cut Ready Cut Center.  

Included in this update is an additional mattress size (Double) to the existing Vertical Wall Beds collection.  Like the Queen sizes, these can be customized in the Cut Ready software to fit your application.


Thermwood Vertical Wall Bed in the down position

About the Vertical Wall Beds

Also known as “Murphy Beds”, these are a collection of stylish, attractive bedroom furniture pieces for the home. They are ideal where space is limited, such as guest rooms, dorm rooms, etc. 

This collection provides you with a simple, yet elegant design that is easily assembled with a screwdriver using “Lock Joints”.





Create Your Own Custom Configuration

Thermwood Vertical Wall Bed in the up positionVertical Wall Beds come in several styles and configurations, however, you may also create your own unique design. Side units may be adjusted to any width, depth, or height within a given range. Choices of undermount or side mount slides are also available.

Get creative by applying different moldings to obtain your desired look. This simple, clean design will blend with virtually any decor.





About the Cut Center

Thermwood Cut Center Nesting Drawer Boxes

The Thermwood Cut Center is an exciting alternative to traditional CNC routers for making a wide variety of products including cabinets, closets, furniture, doors, drawers and much more.  Just tell the machine what you what to make and it does is that simple!  NO programming is required. 

Click for More Info on the Thermwood Cut Center