Thermwood LSAM 10'x20' recently 3D printed and trimmed a concrete mold out of carbon fiber-filled ABS.
This part was designed by Gate Precast, for a project to be completed by Additive Engineering Solutions (AES).
The finished part
The part as shown in LSAM Print3D software.
About The Thermwood LSAM
Thermwood offers a line of dual gantry additive manufacturing machines which both print and trim parts on the same machine. These are large industrial additive manufacturing machines that can be up to 100 feet long.

The Thermwood LSAM is used to produce large to very large sized components from reinforced thermoplastic composite materials.
Although suitable for producing a wide variety of components, Thermwood is focusing on producing industrial tooling, masters, patterns, molds and production fixtures for a variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, foundry and boating.