Thermwood CNC Mobile App now supports automatic text and email alerts

Posted by Duane Marrett on Mon, Apr 13, 2015

Tags: Thermwood, CNC Router, smart-router, QCore, CNC Mobile App, Monitoring, Advanced Support

The free Thermwood CNC Mobile app is intended to allow Thermwood Machine users to track the operation of their Thermwood CNC router(s) and the programs that run on them from anywhere by using their cell phone, PC or other mobile device.

The new Automatic Alert addition allows the user to instruct the machine to automatically email or text them when certain events occur.

To accomplish this, the user simply enters their email address or phone number, chooses the machine(s) to monitor and select the events they want to automatically receive alerts about. The alerts are easily customizable and adjustable, making it simple to set up and receive more or less information automatically.

Thermwood CNC Mobile App Automatic Alerts

Thermwood CNC Mobile App - Machine Listing DisplayThe Thermwood CNC Mobile app allows users to monitor many aspects of their Thermwood smart-router(s) and QCore Super Controller including programs, events, cycle times, scheduled maintenance and much more from just about anywhere. This app permits the user to obtain the following information on a smart-phone, tablet or PC:

  • A listing of every machine they own (includes an optional user customizable nickname)

  • The current state (ready, running or in e-stop)

  • The current Feed Override setting

  • The current program loaded and or running

  • A listing of all current and past part programs loaded/ran in chronological order with extensions

  • A listing of machine events during each part program in chronological order

  • A listing of the cycle time of every part program ran in chronological order

  • A listing of completion or interrupt times in each part program ran in chronological order

  • All machine events in chronological order with filtering

  • Monitor scheduled maintenance with a cycle time countdown as well as a graphical countdown progress bar

  • A time stamp listing of all previous maintenance performed

  • The ability to request a service phone call from a Thermwood Support Technician right from your device.

  • The ability to download the data from any of your Thermwood CNC Routers in either Excel (XLS) or XML format.

Note: While this app is free to install, only machines enrolled in Thermwood’s Advanced Support program or subscribed to Virtual Service will deliver the monitoring service. The machine also requires QCore control software version 8.5.5 or newer. A demo portion of the app is available to observe the features.

Download Your Thermwood CNC Mobile App Machine Data

Now you can download the data from any of your Thermwood CNC Routers in either Excel (XLS) or XML format. You can also choose the date range you wish to download.

Note: You must be a current Advanced Support or Virtual Service Customer to access your data.

Download Your Thermwood CNC Mobile App Data


Available on the App Store

Available on Google Play

Also available on any browser here:

About the Thermwod CNC Mobile App

Thermwood CNC Mobile App - Maintenance Display

Thermwood CNC Mobile App - Machine Display

Thermwood CNC Mobile App - Program View

Thermwood CNC Mobile App - Main Screen

Request a Consultation

Please click the "Request a Consultation" link above or give us a call at 1-800-533-6901 and we will sit down and show you how all this happens, in detail.

FrameBuilder 53 5'x10' CNC Router Video with Roller Hold Down, Auto Load/Unload

Posted by Duane Marrett on Fri, Mar 27, 2015

Tags: Thermwood, 3 Axis, CNC Router, Video, Auto Unload, Auto Load, FrameBuilder 53, Dual Spindle, Roller Hold Down

Below is a new video showing the redesigned Thermwood FrameBuilder 53 5'x10' CNC router in action. 

The machine in the video features the following options:

  • Automatic load/unload system with 6,000 lb lift table and unload sorting table
  • Dual 18HP (3,000-18,000 RPM) HSD spindles with programmable head spacing
  • Two optional electric drills


About the FrameBuilder 53


Thermwood FrameBuilder 53 Roller Hold Down CNC Router

The Thermwood FrameBuilder 53 series is a heavy duty, high-performance three-axis CNC machining center.  It is specifically developed for the machining of upholstery frames and other sheet goods that require rollers on each side of the spindle to hold various materials typically not held by vacuum while machining.

The redesigned FB53 is now equipped with rack and pinion for both the X and Y Axes, bigger drives, and a redesigned gantry that is stiffer while allowing more options.  These changes represent over 110% increase in speed from the original (various table sizes up to 20' are available).

FrameBuilder 53 5×10 Shown w/optional dual spindles
Thermwood FrameBuilder 53 5'x10' CNC Router with optional dual spindles and 6,000 lb load table
FrameBuilder 53 5×10 Shown w/optional dual spindles and 6,000 lb load table  


Features of the FrameBuilder 53:


  • 5'x10' Machining Table (available table sizes up to 20 Feet in Length)
  • Optional Automatic Load/Unload System (6000 lb automatic lift table for loading)
  • Optional Dual 18HP (3,000-18,000 RPM) HSD Spindles
  • Optional Programmable Head Spacing
  • Fixed Solid Aluminum Table
  • Moving Gantry
  • Rapid Speed:  3160 Inches per minute
  • Siemens Intelligent Servo Drives
  • 3D Laser Compensated Axis Alignment
  • Automatic Lubrication
  • Optional At the Head Automatic Tool Changer
  • Optional Electric Drills
  • QCore SuperControl
  • Optional Unload/Sorting Table
  • Machine Training and Installation
  • Free Lifetime Phone/Forum Support

Dimensional Drawings (featuring optional dual spindle and load/unload):

Thermwood FrameBuilder 53 5'x10' CNC Router Dimensional Drawing Top View

Thermwood FrameBuilder 53 5'x10' CNC Router Dimensional Drawing Front View

Thermwood FrameBuilder 53 5'x10' CNC Router Dimensional Drawing Side View

Click to Calculate the Value of a CNC Investment

Universal Plastics - Forming Customers for Life

Posted by Jason Susnjara on Wed, Mar 11, 2015

Tags: CNC, plastics, tooling, Model 67, aerospace, molds, medical, plastic trimming, vacuum forming, thermoforming, 5 axis plastics, pressure forming

Thermwood CNC machines are used across a wide variety of Industries.  One Thermwood Customer – Universal Plastics and Mayfield Plastics - are involved in the thermoforming of plastic materials.

Since Universal Plastics was founded in 1965, they have been a leader in the thermoforming industry.

The Universal plant has over 95,000 square feet and over 80 employees.  As Universal Plastics has grown, they have refined and further developed the thermoforming process to allow the manufacture of large and complex products that could never have been conceived in the previous generation. Today’s thermoformed products can match the quality and finish of injection molding, in high performance plastics, and in sizes that dwarf the capabilities of most molders.

Universal Plastics with one of their Thermwood CNC Routers

Universal utilizes Thermwood CNC machines for trimming of complex thermoformed parts as well as producing thermoforming tooling.  In fact, Universal and Mayfield Plastics have purchased 10 Thermwood C67 machines in the last seven years.

Thermoforming tooling can be built from wood, composite, cast aluminum, or machined aluminum billet. Temporary molds are commonly built of wood or composites, which can be easily machined. Permanent tools are either machined or cast aluminum, depending on the depth of the tool. Thermoforming tools can be modified easily, so changes can be made quickly and for much less money than the hardened steel tooling typical of molded parts.  For this reason alone, thermoforming is often the better process if your design hasn’t been solidified.

Universal believes quality parts are a direct result of quality tools, and take great pride in making quality machined or cast aluminum tools that deliver consistent quality products year after year. Our 5 full time toolmakers have a combined 100 years’ experience in tool and fixture making and they build many of tools in-house.

Mold makers use cast aluminum molds for larger quantities production. Aluminum molds are designed by CAD designers.  Once designed, these mold designs are transferred to Thermwood CNC routers that produce the patterns required for the final mold.

Universal PlasticsUniversal PlasticsUniversal Plastics

Also of note, the Western Mass Chapter of the National Tooling and Machining Association conduct several tours of member companies each year to give the membership a view of the diversity of the companies that do machining.  About 25 members of the WMNTMA visited Universal in February for a tour of their facility and in particular, to review the mold making and machining capabilities. Universal produces about 30% of their tooling and the balance is purchased from tool vendors around the country and area.

The Western Mass chapter has machine shops as well as vendors to the machining industry in their membership.

For more information visit and

Visit Thermwood for a Hands-On Cut Center Demonstration!

Posted by Duane Marrett on Fri, Mar 06, 2015

Tags: Thermwood, CNC, Cut Ready, Cut Center, Live Demonstrations

The all new Cut Ready Cut Center is now available for free live demonstrations here at our modern factory headquarters in Dale, IN.

The all new Cut Ready Cut Center is available for free live demonstrations here at our modern factory headquarters in Dale, IN.  During your demo process you can expect:

  • The demo process starts with phone consultations with our techs.  This helps us learn about what you want to make, and how the Cut Center can best help improve your operation.
  • On the day of the demo, you’ll find a relaxed atmosphere, and receive a complete overview of the easy to use Cut Center and its operation.  You will work with our knowledgeable experts hands-on with this amazing machine.
  • By “Hand’s-On”, we mean that you will actually be able to select, size and run product from the Cut Center yourself and see how incredible easy it is to operate.  With no training necessary, you’ll be able to run the Cut Center yourself!
  • You’ll get a personalized tour of our modern facility to see our manufacturing process from start to finish, and how we carefully build each machine from the ground up.

Will the Cut Center Make Everything I Want?

We are continually adding products and capabilities to the Cut Center.  But what if something you want to make isn’t in the system yet?  Does that mean the Cut Center won’t work for you? 

Actually, we have developed a program for those who want to make things not already in the Cut Center. How do you get “No Programming” and the simple, intuitive operation of a Cut Center for your special products? With our new “Special Products” program the answer is simple, we add them for you! 

The Special Products Section allows you to make you own custom products easily with the Thermwood Cut Center

Definitions for your unique products are custom developed and installed in your Cut Center. These are not just CNC programs. Definitions teach your machine to make your products in all their variations, all their sizes, from all the materials you use. If your product requires special fixtures or tooling, we will develop and supply them also. This is a complete, ready-to-run solution. 

The Special Products Section allows you to make you own custom products easily with the Thermwood Cut Center

Run your products by simply selecting what you want, right at the machine. You can use material of varying thickness and/or adjust product size and features, again, right at the machine. The machine adjusts for all of this with no separate computer, no software and no programming. This is by far the simplest, easiest way to make things. This program is not restricted to cabinets and furniture. It will work for any product that can be manufacturered on a router. 

You can add additional products at any time and can have existing product definitions modified. We stand ready to manage your product offering so you don’t have to. 

With the “Special Products” addition, you still have all the features and product capabilities of the standard Cut Center, with your unique products as an added benefit. 

More Information

To find out more about the Cut Center and the process of adding arranging a free hands-on demonstration, please give us a call at 1-800-533-6901 or click below to fill out an information request form.  We hope to hear from you soon!

Click for More Info on the Thermwood Cut Center

As Good as Wood! Make your MDF Cabinet Doors look like Solid Wood

Posted by Jason Susnjara on Wed, Feb 25, 2015

Tags: CNC, CNC Router, MDF doors, Diamond Tooling,, Solid Wood, Insert Tooling,, Cabinet Doors,

Written by Scott Burton - Sales Manager at Royce//Ayr

The latest kitchen design trends are demanding that solid wood and MDF doors appear in the same space with multi-colored cabinet layouts. This reality has challenged door makers to produce MDF doors that resemble solid wood profiles.  Production limitations have traditionally made it impossible to make MDF doors on a CNC router that match solid wood doors made on traditional moulders and tennoners.   

Advancements in MDF door tooling design and related software packages have made it possible to machine MDF doors on a CNC router that could pass as solid wood. A cohesive combination of smart tool design, flexible software, and proper material can produce an MDF product that is almost an exact match to solid wood once the door has been finished and installed. 

The application is possible, but does require some critical tools and design strategy to achieve a door with tight corners and good surface finish that can be primed with minimal sanding.  There are a couple of problems that must be overcome before achieving success.


Shows the current possibilities of MDF profiled doors on a CNC router.  Notice the detailed moldings and small radius on the corners of the inside profile that can be achieved.

Problem # 1 - Moulding details and tight inside corners

In previous years, a simple profile made from a single pass with a profile tool would create a rounded corner affect that made it obvious to the customer that the door was made from MDF and machined from above with a CNC router bit.  Detailed moldings and tight corners were impossible, if not very inefficient to produce.               

Solution # 1

The key to this issue is as much software related as it is tooling, and any solution must include effective communication between tool designers and software programmers.  The obvious solution to create a smaller radius in the corners is to use a smaller diameter tool.  However, this can lead to dramatically increased cycle time which can be prohibitive from a production stand point.  Primitive software made it necessary to have all tools do a complete pass around the door profile, but modern systems allow the smaller diameter tools to isolate all four corners after the larger profile tools have done their work.  The key is to start with a large profile tool to remove the majority of material and then break up the profile into small sections, and design the smallest diameter tool possible to clean the corners.  

It is important to understand the limitations of the smaller diameter tools, and adjust feed rates and RPM accordingly to avoid tool breakage. The smaller diameter tools will often be designed with single flutes, so a drop in feed rate will also ensure better cut quality.  Many small carving tools are better suited to solid carbide or carbide insert, rather than diamond due to design constraints.

Any tool inventory must include larger diameter tools for maximum material removal at higher feed rates, and matching tools with the smallest possible diameter to perform critical detailed carving applications in the corner of inside door profiles. 

Problems # 2 – Surface finish

MDF is generally very consistent and easy to finish on the outside of the panel, but profiling on the inside of the panel can create a surface that is very difficult to finish due to machining lines and “fiber tearout”.   MDF is obviously a porous material that tends to show loose fibers when machined in the core of the board. The density of MDF panel can have a dramatic impact on the resulting cut quality, but regardless of the quality of MDF it is impossible to achieve a surface finish in the core that is equivalent to the outside layer

Flat surfacing on the inside door panels is notoriously difficult as tools tend to leave machining lines on the overlapping tool path.  Depending on the fiber size in the core, tools can also pull fibers which creates a pitted affect that must be filled by primmer.  If fibers are not sheared off, they tend to raise up during priming, resulting in additional sanding or priming required.

Solution # 2

There are some machine parameter adjustments that can be made to improve surface finish.  Smaller chiploads will obviously provide less feathering of fibers, but excessively small chiploads will cause heat generation and reduced tool life, so feed rate reduction is not always ideal.  The solution lies in the tool design and cutting edge geometry.   

Pic4 Pic5

Shows an example of a diamond surfacing tool designed to provide premium surface finish on MDF door panels.  Notice the “Integrated” tool holder and tool body, which ensures optimal performance and allows tool to remove material at higher feed rates without sacrificing cut quality

The cutting edge geometry helps limit “overlap lines” between tool passes which reduces the amount of sanding required before priming.   Up shear geometry helps extract large chip loads at higher feed rates to reduce cycle time.  The diamond cutting edge is critical to providing prolonged tool life in difficult surfacing applications that produce excessive heat generation and cutting edge wear.  To achieve optimal results, it is best to run multiple tool passes and leave 3-4 mm for the final finishing pass.

Cabinet doors will always be the focal point of any kitchen, and generally require the most attention to detail.  Proper tooling design and application can help ensure the customer’s expectations are met, but also ensure that production cycle times and finishing costs are controlled.  Consult your tool designers to discover many creative ways to make your MDF doors look as good as wood.  


About Royce//Ayr    


For over 4 decades Royce//Ayr has combined excellent customer service with state of the art cutting tool technology.

Royce//Ayr started out in 1963 as “Royce Carbide Tools Ltd” a small local sharpening shop for woodworking tools. The company soon became involved in the design and manufacture of specialty saw blades and cutters. In the ‘80s and ‘90s Royce started to explore the many possibilities of Insert and PCD-Diamond tooling.

1997 saw the merge of Royce Carbide Tools Ltd. with Ayr Saw & Tool Inc., a manufacturer of HSS saw blades for metal. This merger added valuable experience to the new company Royce//Ayr Cutting Tools Inc. In 2003 the company moved to a new 40,000 sq.ft. facility at 405 Sheldon Drive in Cambridge, ON.

As the industry is constantly changing and looking for better and faster ways to produce their finished products Royce//Ayr is committed to continuously investing in state of the art equipment and highly skilled employees to satisfy the demands placed on them.

Browse through this web site and inform yourself of our capabilities to produce premium quality cutting tools to internationally accepted ISO standards. You can always reach our dedicated sales and engineering staff to help design and develop the best custom tools to meet your specific needs.

With such excellent customer service and quality tooling, it’s no wonder that today Royce//Ayr is a leading manufacturer of cutting tools for wood, plastics, rubber and metal today.

Mission Statement

Royce//Ayr is committed to supplying customers with superior quality tools, excellent customer service and on-time delivery by employing cutting edge technology, tooling and machinery, and experienced dedicated employees.


Thermwood Model 70 and 77 for Large Format Aerospace, Composite, Pattern and Mold Machining

Posted by Duane Marrett on Thu, Feb 05, 2015

Tags: CNC, Composites, 5 Axis, CNC Router, aerospace, Model 70, Model 77, trimming, molds, patterns

The Thermwood Multi-Purpose Five Axis Series combines all the elements needed for the machining of large aerospace and composite materials as well as trimming and machining large format patterns and molds/plugs for the aviation and defense industries.

Here we look at the Thermwood Model 77 and Model 70.  These heavy-duty, high-speed, moving gantry machines are ideal for machining of large applications using large/heavy fixtures.

Multi-Purpose 77

The Multi-Purpose 77 is a heavy-duty, high-speed contained system for the machining of large aerospace and composite materials (various sizes available):


  • 12HP HSD Tool Change Spindle (3,000-24,000 RPM Spindle) (other spindles available)
  • Impact Resistant 5 Axis Head 
  • 36" Z (other sizes available)
  • 10 Position Rotary Tool Change System
  • Full 5 Axis Simultaneous Motion
  • Fixed Drill and Tapped Aluminum Table
  • Conventional Style Vacuum Plumbing
  • Heavy Duty Access Doors
  • Tool Center Point Programming (TCP)
  • Rapid Speed: 3500 inches per minute
  • Moving Gantry
  • Thermwood Q Core SuperControl
  • Siemens Intelligent Servo Drives Throughout
  • Volumetric 3D Laser Compensated Axis Alignment
  • Automatic Tool Length Sensor
  • Chip Collection
  • Multi-Function Nemi Pod Table
  • Machine Training and Installation
  • Free Lifetime Phone/Forum Support 
Thermwood Model 77 5x10 CNC Router

Model 77 10x20 Fixed Table

Videos (please click images to view videos on our blog)





Multi-Purpose 70

The Multi-Purpose 70 is designed for aerospace and composite applications utilizing large/heavy fixtures (various sizes available):


  • 12HP HSD Tool Changer Spindle (3,000-24,000 RPM larger spindle sizes available)
  • Impact Resistant 5 Axis Head 
  • Fixed Aluminum Table
  • Moving Gantry
  • 24" Z Standard (available up to 60")
  • Full 5 Axis Simultaneous Motion
  • Siemens Intelligent Servo Drives Throughout
  • 3D Laser Compensated Axis Alignment
  • Thermwood QCore SuperControl
  • Tool Center Point Programming (TCP)
  • Chip Collection System
  • Multi-Function Nemi Pod Table 
  • In the Leg Tool Changer 
  • Bar Style Tool Changer
  • Automatic Lubrication
  • Automatic Tool Length Sensor
Thermwood Model 70 10x20 CNC Router

Model 70 10x20 Fixed Table

Thermwood Model 70 10x10 CNC Router

Model 70 10x10 Fixed Table

Videos (please click images to view videos on our blog)



More Info

To find out more about either of these two machines, or any of our other 5 axis offerings, please give us a call at 1-800-533-6901 or click below to fill out an information request form.  We hope to hear from you soon!

Request More Information from Thermwood

Thermwood Model 67 and 90 for Trimming, Molds & Pattern Machining

Posted by Duane Marrett on Wed, Jan 21, 2015

Tags: CNC, 5 Axis, CNC Router, Model 90, Model 67, trimming, molds, patterns

The Thermwood Multi-Purpose Five Axis Series combines all the elements needed for trimming formed parts, patterns and molds using five-axis simultaneous motions.  

Here we look at the Thermwood Model 67 and 90.  These heavy-duty moving-table machines are ideal for high-speed trimming and pattern machining, and come in either single or dual table configurations:

Multi-Purpose 67

The Multi-Purpose 67 is an entry-level five axis available with a variety of either single or dual moving aluminum table sizes.


  • 12HP HSD Tool Change Spindle (3,000-24,000 RPM, larger spindle sizes available)
  • Impact Resistant Head 
  • Moving Aluminum Table/Fixed Gantry
  • 24" Z Standard (available up to 48")
  • Full 5 Axis Simultaneous Motion
  • Siemens Intelligent Servo Drives Throughout
  • 3D Laser Compensated Axis Alignment
  • Thermwood Q Core SuperControl
  • Tool Center Point Programming (TCP)
  • Chip Collection 
  • Bar Style Tool Changer
  • In the Leg Tool Changer 
  • Remote Start/Stop 
  • Gantry Lighting 
  • Automatic Tool Length Sensor
Thermwood Model 67 7x10 CNC Router

Model 67 7x10 Single Moving Table

Thermwood Model 67 10x5 CNC Router

Model 67 5x10 Dual Moving Tables







Multi-Purpose 90

The Multi-Purpose 90 is a heavy-duty five-axis designed for high-speed trimming and pattern machining, available in single or dual moving aluminum tables.


  • 12HP HSD Tool Changer Spindle (3,000-24,000 RPM larger spindle sizes available)
  • Impact Resistant Head 
  • Moving Aluminum Table
  • Fixed Gantry
  • 24" Z Standard (available up to 60")
  • Full 5 Axis Simultaneous Motion
  • Siemens Intelligent Servo Drives Throughout
  • 3D Laser Compensated Axis Alignment
  • Thermwood QCore SuperControl
  • Tool Center Point Programming (TCP)
  • Chip Collection
  • Multi-Function Nemi Pod Table 
  • In the Leg Tool Changer 
  • Bar Style Tool Changer
  • Automatic Tool Length Sensor

Thermwood Model 90 5x12 Dual Table CNC Router

Model 90 5x12 Dual Moving Tables

Thermwood Model 90 10x5 CNC Router

Model 90 10x5 Single Moving Table





More Info

To find out more about either of these two machines, or any of our other 5 axis offerings, please give us a call at 1-800-533-6901 or click below to fill out an information request form.  We hope to hear from you soon!

Request More Information from Thermwood

Add Your Products to Thermwood’s Cut Center and make them with No Computer, No Software, No Programming

Posted by Duane Marrett on Thu, Jan 15, 2015

Tags: Announcements, Cut Ready, Cut Center, Easy, Custom

We Add Your Products for You!

We add custom products to the Cut Center for you!Thermwood’s award winning Cut Ready – Cut Center makes cabinets, closets, and related products without the need for a separate computer, design software or CNC programming, but what if you make something else?  How do you get “no programming” and the simple, intuitive operation of a Cut Center for other products? With our new “Special Products” program the answer is simple, we add them for you 

With this new program, definitions for your unique products are custom developed and installed in your Cut Center. These are not just CNC programs. Definitions teach your machine to make your products in all their variations, all their sizes, from all the materials you use. The machine does it all 

Easy to Run

Easily select your product and change size and features right at the Cut CenterYou run them by simply selecting what you want, right at the machine. You can use material of varying thickness and/or adjust product size and features, again, right at the machine. The machine adjusts for all of this with no separate computer, no software and no programming. This is by far the simplest, easiest way to make things 

How Does This Work?

  • The process begins by developing a formal, written description of the products you want to make. This description details all aspects of the product and becomes the guiding document for the development team 
  • Once product definitions (based on your description), are complete, sample products are run to make certain that they function properly and that you are happy with the result.
  • We then install the new definitions in your Cut Center. If you are installing several items, a Thermwood technician may visit your shop to help get you going. Otherwise, we can connect online, directly to your Cut Center, and make additions or changes as needed, without the need for a technical visit 

Add more than just Cabinets and Furniture

The Special Products Section allows you to make you own custom products easily with the Thermwood Cut CenterThis service is not restricted to cabinets or furniture items but will work for about anything that can be run on a CNC router. Some products may require special fixtures to hold the part and/or special tooling. In those cases the required fixtures and tools will be detailed in the written description and will be developed, tested and supplied as part of the “Special Products" package. All you do is select and run them 

The Special Products Section allows you to make you own custom products easily with the Thermwood Cut Center

Add More Products at any Time

You can add additional products at any time and have existing product definitions modified if necessary. We stand ready to manage your product offering so you don’t have to 

With the “Special Products” addition you still have all the features and product capabilities of the Cut Center, with your unique products as an added benefit 

More Information

To find out more about the Cut Center and the process of adding your custom products, please give us a call at 1-800-533-6901 or click below to fill out an information request form.  We hope to hear from you soon!

Click for More Info on the Thermwood Cut Center

Update adds Significant New Features to Thermwood’s Cut Center

Posted by Duane Marrett on Tue, Jan 06, 2015

Tags: Cut Ready, Cut Center, Furniture, Custom, EZ Office

Thermwood released the first update for its Cut Ready - Cut Centers today, adding new product libraries, plus additions to existing libraries as well as some all new cutting routines. In addition, you can now have your products (which may not be part of the standard product offering) custom added to your Cut Center!  This is a serious update incorporating some major technical advances 

The Cut Center, introduced at IWF in Atlanta, allows shops to manufacture a large variety of cabinets, and related products with no computers, software or CNC programming. It’s easy and can be run by existing folks without specialized training. This update increases the number and variety of products Cut Centers can make, plus adds new capabilities not previously found on this type of machine 

EZ Office

Cut Center EZ OfficeIt adds a line of office furniture, called “EZ Office” suitable for a small business or home office. The entire line is made from a single material, either 3/4 inch or 19mm thick sheet stock. Pieces are assembled using lock joints, which combine mortise and tenon slots with cam-lock fasteners. This is a superior joint resulting in high quality solid construction. Each design includes step by step assembly instructions, suitable for a consumer, so these items could be made from pre-finished material and sold unassembled 

Hidden Bed

The second product addition is a Hidden-Bed, which is a large desk that turns into a twin bed. The unique feature of this design is that the desk top remains parallel to the ground as the bed is pulled down so it is not necessary to clear it off to use the bed

The hidden-bed integrates smoothly in both size and design with tall closet cabinets already in the Cut Centers 

New "Cuts" Capabilities

We have also added three fundamentally new “Cuts” capabilities. These cutting features introduce an all new way to work with an automated machine… something that has not been done before (this video shows this… it’s worth watching) 


Full Thickness Backs Added for Frameless Cabinets

The frameless base cabinet designs in Thermwood’s Cut Center currently have a quarter inch slide-in back, either with or without nailers. Although this works for most in the US, we’ve received requests from Canadian shops for a full thickness, slide-in back option for frameless base cabinets. Reacting to those requests, full thickness backs have been added to frameless base cabinets in the latest Cut Center update 

Add Your Products to the Cut Center with "Special Products"

And finally, we have developed a program for those who want to make things not already in the Cut Center. How do you get “No Programming” and the simple, intuitive operation of a Cut Center for your special products? With our new “Special Products” program the answer is simple, we add them for you 

Definitions for your unique products are custom developed and installed in your Cut Center. These are not just CNC programs. Definitions teach your machine to make your products in all their variations, all their sizes, from all the materials you use. If your product requires special fixtures or tooling, we will develop and supply them also. This is a complete, ready-to-run solution 

Run your products by simply selecting what you want, right at the machine. You can use material of varying thickness and/or adjust product size and features, again, right at the machine. The machine adjusts for all of this with no separate computer, no software and no programming. This is by far the simplest, easiest way to make things. This program is not restricted to cabinets and furniture. It will work for any product that can be manufacturered on a router 

You can add additional products at any time and can have existing product definitions modified. We stand ready to manage your product offering so you don’t have to 

With the “Special Products” addition, you still have all the features and product capabilities of the standard Cut Center, with your unique products as an added benefit 

Continuous Free Updates

This new Cut Center update, which adds valuable new features and exciting new products, is available to all Cut Center users as a free download, right through their machine. Thermwood expects to continually update both product offering and system capabilities and, as they are developed, these advances will be offered free to existing Cut Center users 

Click for More Info on the Thermwood Cut Center

Why Choose a Cut Center?

Posted by Duane Marrett on Thu, Nov 20, 2014

Tags: Thermwood, CNC Router, Cut Ready, Cut Center, cabinets, MDF doors, No Programming

Thermwood has introduced our IWF Challenger's Award Winning “Cut Ready – Cut Center” as an alternative to CNC routers for making custom cabinets.  

In this post, we ask two main questions:  Why would you want a Thermwood Cut Center instead of a traditional nested based CNC router?  Why would a major supplier of CNC routers introduce a new product that competes directly with its already successful products in this market segment?

Why a Cut Center?

With the advanced technology available today, we at Thermwood believe that it’s time for something new…. something even better… something a lot easier, so after almost five years of technical development, we have released the Cut Ready – Cut Center. This system is clearly not a CNC router. It looks a little like a CNC router, but it doesn’t work at all like a CNC router. 

A nested based CNC router has three basic elements:

It requires a significant effort to engineer, select, buy, install, learn, tool, program and operate a CNC router system. While many shops embrace this challenge, many others do not. 
Thermwood Cut Ready Cut Center

A cut center consists of a single element, the machine. Everything is inside the machine, pre-selected, pre-installed and ready to run. There is no programming with a cut center. That’s right, no programmingnone. A cut center actually knows how to make cabinets, allowing the user to make cabinets in about any way they want by just selecting the desired product. You simply tell the machine what kind of cabinet you want (face frame/frameless, single/double side material, toe kick/detached toe, etc.), then select the specific cabinet from all the cabinets made that way and adjust the size.

Installing a Cut Center

Installation of a cut center consists of connecting power, air and dust collection and you are ready to run production right away.

Cut Center Has an Impressive Selection 

You can also make drawers and drawer fronts in the Cut Center

The number of products you can make with a cut center is impressive. In addition to kitchen cabinets, there are closet, bath and utility cabinets and furniture (including book shelves, entertainment walls and table tops). You can also make drawers; side mount, undermount or slot slide, quarter inch or full thickness bottom, blind dado or dovetail construction. Simply tell the cut center to make drawers for the cabinets you cut and it does it - just that easy.  


A variety of door options are available in the Cut CenterIt also makes doors and drawer fronts. There are over 450 designs for MDF doors and drawer fronts including square, arch, cathedral, slab and sophisticated applied molding designs with both raised and recessed panels.

You can also make grain matched slab doors. Just like with drawers, simply tell the machine to make doors for the cabinets you just cut and it does it. It even makes moldings, both straight and arched. Select from hundreds of profiles, resize the profile in width and depth and it makes it. It uses a reverse 3d printing technique for MDF doors and moldings where, instead of adding a small amount of material each pass, it removes a small amount. This means that everything in the system is made with a set of standard tools.

Operating the Cut Center 

Operate the Cut Center through a large touch screen and remote clicker.Running the cut center is also different. Everything is handled through an adjustable touch screen and a remote “clicker” you wear. Pretty much everything is handled automatically, tooling management and tool life, vacuum hold down and spoilboard management. All the operator does is follow step by step instructions. If needed, there is a “Show Me” video for every step.  You can even call a real live person on the screen if you need more help. 

Why is a Cut Center for Me?

One reason you might want a cut center is that it can be run by just about anybody. Another reason is that you can produce a lot of different products with no programming and almost no effort. Thermwood has invested thousands of hours developing, testing and refining these programs. To duplicate this for a CNC router will also require thousands of hours. 

There is also the smooth integration between cabinets, drawers, doors and drawer fronts. Once you cut the cabinets, you can make everything else by just telling it to make it for those cabinets.Another reason is that details in these cabinet designs, some patented, make assembly easier. Assembly marks machined into the joints show you which parts fit together and in which orientation. Alignment pin holes make installing drawers really easy. The machine will print detail step by step assembly instructions for more complex items like closet cabinets. It also prints a label for each part showing you which job and cabinet the part is for, which edges get edge banded and a bar code in case you need to re-make the part. 

Ongoing Updates

Thermwood is continuously expanding the products our cut centers can produce, driven by feedback from users, and these new designs are available to all cut centers as a free download. System software updates are also available as a free download as they are released. The “Virtual Service” feature mentioned above is also available to cut center users for free. 

The Bottom Line

This is clearly a new approach. It is not for everyone, but we believe there are a significant number of cabinet shops that would rather make cabinets than program computers and so we created the Cut Ready – Cut Center.


Click for More Info on the Thermwood Cut Center